Thick fingers tugged through curly red hair, pulling and twisting, grasping upon the ridged curvature of his horns. Lips parted as Nok cried out, one of the iridescent baubles he’d purchased at the market the night before swaying into his vision as his head was forced hard to one side. He focused on the play of purple and blue, the back and forth swing of the leather thong—but then he was being plucked up, dangling from the sharp angle most unpleasantly.

“Aamfen!” Nok cried out, his sinuses still full of intoxicating musk, his body near giddy with the sensation of it. “Don—don’t hold me up by my head!” he near wailed, one furred leg kicking, inadvertently catching upon a massive thigh behind him with the edge of a cloven hoof.

“Your fault for such nice handles,” rumbled Aamfen behind him in a voice so deep it was nearly felt more than heard.

Another massive hand splayed on his chest, the bristly fur of Aamfen’s arm coarse against Nok’s hairy skin. Nok let a sigh of relief as his weight sank into it, and his head was once again freed—though he was left dangling, and bleated a laugh with the backward sweep of his weight, the return of the removed hand grasping hard along his hip, engulfing the juncture of fur and skin. The tuft of his tail ticked as he was bodily dragged, hooves dangling, the belly of Aamfen’s cock scrubbing long and firm along the back of his thigh as the massive minotaur puppeted him about.

“Mh—not for lifting,” Nok insisted distractedly.

His blood was hot, and hotter by the second, making it increasingly difficult to think. Or maybe that was the wine. Or Aamfen’s musk—damn he smelled good. Maybe it was all of it, come to think on it. Then again, what did he need to think *for*??

“Fff—” he hissed around his lower lip, gathered now in the grip of his teeth, as Aamfen’s cock nudged along the backs of his balls—and continued on between his legs, up so that the jutting belly of his own cock slid along the back of Aamfen’s.

Nice—that was nice. He could just..rub there like this. Nok’s hips rocked as he was dragged along, legs still dangling, little sparks of delight crackling up his spine. He groaned into the close air of the tent, and on the next backward drag, flicked his tail up to scrub himself fully along the thick fur at the base of Aamfen’s cock before he could be pulled up again.

Yes, yes.. he liked that– and to encourage more, he hooked one hand upon Aamfen’s arm for stability, and draped the other to grab and pull along the thick spongy belly of the cock that ground so pleasantly between his thighs. He grasped and tugged, thumb exploring the sleek skin, fingers curling and digging in playful shifts of pressure as his hand swept downward, up again—and was reward with a pulse, a fluid swell. His hips rocked, breath coming thicker and shorter as he gathered the clear seepage along fingers and palm to slick the way of his dragging hand.

“Nnnh—nh–” Aamfen rumbled behind Nok in wordless appreciation, the sound seeming to vibrate through his bones.

“Ah,” Nok gasped in soft echo, squirming and rocking still, his hand drawing swifter, sleek and slickening.

The world shifted abruptly in time with the ticking of his cock, dizzying and disorienting, and Nok gasped as he lost his hold on Aamfen’s arm and cock both. The wall gave way in his vision to the peaked ceiling of the tent, amber in the lamplight, then back again as he found himself tipped abruptly up, then lowered, and the tapered tip of Aamfen’s cock pressing slick and hard beneath the bristling tick of his tail. Nok flailed, twisting briefly as he was brought forcefully down, made to yield too quickly to the swift thickening beyond the narrowed tip. Wider, uncomfortably wider, as the rigid tip delved deep and hard and drove a loud, belting cry from Nok.

This was.. too fast. Too hard. Maybe.. the minotaur was too much. His nerves buzzed, skin prickling, fur bristling. Too much?? Surely not! But Nok was made to strangle another yip as Aamfen drew him up a few inches, an eternity on the inside, only to pull him abruptly down all the harder! Nok cried out, limbs flailing anew as his balls crushed to the warm bulk of those behind him. His eyes rolled and ears flicked as he struggled to adjust, to calm the discomfort that left his nipples hard.

The ornaments on his curling horns clattered lightly against one another as they swayed from their leather thongs, momentarily filling Nok’s hearing past the heavy pounding of his heart, the puff of Aamfen’s breath. The close heat of the tent seemed to smother him, pressing in closer and tighter even than Aamfen’s gripping hands. It doused the sensation creeping along his skin, and Nok puffed a ragged breath as he was hoisted again like a toy, the tent not only seeming to sway with the motion, but to spin. He choked another noise on the downward stroke that filled him too thick and full with Aamfen’s impossibly hard cock, the depth of it dizzying, Nok so keenly aware of every throb and tick. His flailing hand caught on the massive forearm, fingers curling over fur and skin to settle into a valley of fluid musculature.

There was something acrid in his sinuses, past the musk. A steady thrumming, drumming in his ears—not only heartbeat, or Aamfen’s, but the music of the world beyond. The invisible market was alive beyond the walls, and there was a sense of bustle close upon the bubble of their existence. He was too caught up in it now to strive for discretion, to spare any passers by the volume of their fucking. Squelching and smacking was surely caught within the taut walls strung between the tent posts, but Nok’s near frantic cries and Aamfen’s increasingly staccato rumbling surely carried beyond.

The world was amber and hazy and Nok was floating in movement. Impaled, pinioned, near folded as Aamfen caught a leg whilst he was forced down and up, up and down, increasingly faster, harder, Aamfen’s hips swinging to strike near bruising against his ass, powerful thigh tucking and flexing beneath the sway and brush of Nok’s. His head rocked back, his horns grazing Aamfen’s broad chest, lips parted as he stared at the underside of square jaw and chin, at the protruding curvature of massive white horns. A hand stretched up as though to grab, though there was no reaching, and Nok realized with a near start that it was his own hand when he felt the bristly hairs along Aamfen’s cheek stroke the bellies of his fingers.

“Ah—ah—ah,” Nok cried, faster and faster, the sound forced from him over and over, “ah-ah-ah..”

On it went. On gloriously forever. His cock ticked and seeped, seeming to run from tip to root to the movement within him, which itself seemed fused to his spine, growing through his thoughts and self, branches and roots spreading, blooms swelling blue and red and purple, throbbing and pulsing until they bloomed within the starfield of his vision and Nok came, thrashing as his cock in turn pulsed and seeped, spilling over into the delicious euphoria of leather and musk and wild animal drive–

Though Aamfen fucked on, even as Nok began to sag in his hold. He croaked little noises, let soft bleats as the cock drove the air out of him again and again, moreso when his legs were forced in a high fold alongside his chest and he driven down to smack again and again, tail scrubbing belly, balls crushing close and tight until finally, finally there came the telltale thickening at that point of entry, a swell that surged up and deep and flooded him all the hotter within as Aamfen’s low voice trumpeted past his ears and seemed to fill the tent with the loud proclamation of his own delight. The minotaur’s cock pulsed deep within him again, and again, and Nok was distantly aware of the inevitable seepage even as Aamfen remained pressed close to him.

Nok shuddered and choked a little noise into the fading music within the tent, but Aamfen did not seem inclined to let him go just yet. Instead he held him close, only allowing Nok to unfold as Aamfen laid himself out and back. A glottalized click passed his lips for the shift in position, the sensation of the cock still buried so thick and hard and deep within him momentarily eased, then emphasized again as he stretched out and drew tight about the root. He felt so full between Aamfen’s cock and the cum that was still forcing itself free in a steady seeping. Thick fingers stirred at the joining of fur and skin along Nok’s distended belly, and he shut his eyes as he floated through the syrupy haze of post-coital delight.

“Nok,” Aamfen half snorted beneath him, shifting beneath his back. “We sleep like this. Then I fuck you more,” he thrummed in promise.

Nok’s breath caught for how the vibration seemed to carry along the cock buried deep within him. “Mmh—Not too much more,” Nok sighed, his eyes shutting against the golden glow of the lamplight. He felt as though he were floating, anchored to the world only by the root of the cock keeping him stretched entirely too wide. “I have to leave by second moonrise.”

“Mmm,” Aamfen hummed, and Nok found comfort in the arms wrapping tight around him. “No. I keep you.”

Nok chuckled, an ear flicking. “I’ll pass through again,” he promised quietly.

“No, mine,” Aamfen insisted quietly.

“Mmm.. we’ll talk later. Go to sleep, Aamfen,” Nok mumbled, deciding to put off the argument.

Aamfen’s body tensed beneath him, and Nok felt the blissful haze of his afterglow start to dissipate for the conflict.

“No, Nok,” Aamfen growled quietly. “You sleep.

The rumble of the last word seemed to swell and rise like an incoming tide, and it crashed over Nok, dragging him into darkness before he could conjure even a fragment of a thought in response.